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60 Words

Page history last edited by Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. 11 years, 5 months ago



Photos by the 3rd through 5th Grade Discovery Students


  1. Sixty word- based pictures are taken with cell phones and digital cameras
  2. The images are uploaded onto a collaborative whiteboard to create the messages
    1. Nota -  http://notaland.com/discovery/15344 (username and password both Discovery) or
    2. Dabbleboard - http://www.dabbleboard.com/ (username and password both Discovery)
  3. Students work in pairs moving the words (like magnetic poetry) to create a message of hope and change.  They can use the other functions of the whiteboard like the drawing tools.
  4. Screencasts are made of their messages - they can either film it while they make their messages or after it is completed.  Students provide voiceover.
  5. All students' messages are put into a single video presentation.


Alanis and Kiana's Message 

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Toni and Austin's Message 

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Brady and Pedro's Message

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Toni and Gianna:

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Blythe and Hanna:

Fliqz has shut down their service. To access this video, email support with this video id: 943bb31c68924d2caa55b8acc949ab45




Other Word Initiatives


Three Words


Six Word Memoirs

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